The Buyer’s Guide
To Marketing Resource Management (MRM) Systems

Discover the Most Important Things to Look for When Choosing a Marketing Portal Technology Partner

You've Done Your Homework – Now What?

Getting Buy-In

Initiate conversations internally about the benefits of building a next-generation marketing operation. Help decision makers recognize the broader benefits of marketing technology across departments, throughout the organization.

Prepare for these conversations by identifying how marketing technologies – either existing or planned – provide support beyond the marketing department. Discuss how to either directly or indirectly account for those costs across functions.

Make a case for how the system you are choosing will reduce the costs of coordination and collaboration and increase efficiency, transparency, and trust by enabling interaction across teams.

Organize your vendor research for easy reference and to support your choice when seeking buy-in/approval. It can be difficult to remember all the features each vendor system offers. Track features for each system you evaluate with an at-a-glance comparison checklist.