The Buyer’s Guide
To Marketing Resource Management (MRM) Systems

Discover the Most Important Things to Look for When Choosing a Marketing Portal Technology Partner

Your Search: What to Look for in a Solution Part 3


Marketing resource management is not a one-and-done solution. A commitment to meaningful support by a knowledgeable technology partner is essential to a successful long-term implementation.

Outside organizations and technology can be a wonderful complement to your team. However, it’s critical to closely evaluate your needs against the experience, processes and culture of possible vendors. Be sure your needs align closely with the services a vendor provides.

Consider customer service and internal culture, as well. It may not seem important to think about the culture of the company you partner with, but it can tell a lot about the organization in the long run. Will they stand by your side and help you solve problems or stand on the sidelines and shrug their shoulders?

Evaluate potential vendors for their ability to set up the system and your users for success, particularly in the areas of configuration, training, ongoing support, and communication with you and your team.

Data Capabilities
For today’s data-driven marketing, it’s important to choose a marketing vendor with data capabilities that support next-level marketing. Usable data enables businesses to access their customer intelligence more quickly, provide better insights, and market more effectively. Look for a partner with the ability to connect your customer data to your MRM system to increase your operations optimization and support your usability objectives.

Questions to Ask
Remember, you’re looking for a technology partner, not just a vendor.
□ What development resources does the provider have?
□ Do they have an internal development team with control of the product roadmap?
□ How frequently do they release new features and system updates?
□ What support does the vendor provide before, during and following implementation?
□ How many hours of IT staff will be required for implementation?
□ Who handles configuration – the vendor, in-house staff or 3rd party vendor?
□ Will you need to dedicate someone as a full-time administration resource or distribute administration responsibilities to a team of employees?
□ If your administrators need to be certified, what is the cost?
□ If you are unable to dedicate a full-time resource to administration, will you need to grow your staff?
□ Can the vendor help clean and organize your data to make it more usable?
□ What kind of data analysis can the vendor provide?
□ How can your data be linked to/utilized with the marketing resource management system?
□ How long has the company been in business?
□ What is the caliber of their current client list?
□ What support does the vendor provide beyond initial training and basic support (website, self-help, tutorials, email, phone, chat)?
□ Where is support located (US, offshore, region, time zone)?

Make sure your technology partner is committed to your success.
□ How well does your vendor know your account/your business (dedicated account manager or team)?
□ Does the vendor care as much about the end user experience as you do?
□ How much time will marketing staff spend mapping out processes?
□ How long does it take to get the system configured?
□ Does the vendor provide resources that share implementation best practices and configure the MRM platform for you?
□ What software administration/management services are provided by the vendor?
□ Does the vendor provide a reliable feedback loop regarding product performance and features?

Support & Expertise Features to Look For

Implementation – planning > configuration > validation > go live.
Look for a MRM technology vendor who manages your system implementation from start to finish: prepare, build and configure, validate and go live. With a vendor partner shouldering the intricacies of configuration and ongoing management, you position your organization to derive maximum value and competitive advantage from your technology investment – earning big wins for both you and your company.
System management – Vendor manages the system for you.
Choose a vendor who can manage your system on your behalf: uploading assets, templatizing variable pieces, performing quality checks, managing user profiles, etc. This eliminates the need for you to dedicate internal resources to system-related tasks.
Account coordination – Ensures all system-related needs are met.
Your vendor should provide a dedicated account coordinator who can act as an extension of your marketing team, managing the various functions supporting your business and acting as your single-point-of-contact.
User training & support – Enables your team to use the system effectively.
It’s important to find a vendor whose support team takes the time to get to know your business. In addition, your vendor should provide support via phone, email and live chat. Training should encompass users and administrators and support should include a custom branded help center. This ensures your team is able to use the system effectively. It also builds confidence in the system knowing that support is available when needed.
Design services – Creative development and creation ensuring brand guidelines are met.
A vendor that can provide design services and creative development can augment your internal team or agency.
Contact management – Build dynamic or static target lists from existing contact & customer records.
A vendor with contact management capabilities and expertise can help your teams build dynamic or static target lists from existing contact & customer records.
Targeted marketing – Provides customization options to match pre-determined customer profiles.
A solution with targeted marketing capabilities enables users to customize materials designed to resonate with specific target profiles.
Customer satisfaction surveys – Deploy CSAT survey questionnaires to better understand customer satisfaction.
A customer survey system that integrates with marketing resource management software results in a complete ecosystem for consistent and compliant local marketing and customer communication. This eliminates the patchwork of customer feedback tools being used individually in local markets today.